SRIP GoDigital

Focus on digital innovation

SRIP GoDigital is designed as a platform to strengthen the ICT sector. The aim is to bring industry leaders together to think about the future and help create a more connected and innovative business environment in the ICT sector. Your involvement is important because your insights and expertise will add weight to decisions and ensure that they are in the best interests of our collective development.

Strategic Development Innovation Partnership (SRIP) GoDigital is a new development step to strengthen the ICT sector and the opportunity to better support ZIT members in the development of innovative digital services and products. Our task is to bundle research and innovation capacities and investments for the development and marketing of sophisticated, comprehensive and integrated digital services and products/solutions in dialogue with members and political decision-makers.

SRIP GoDigital strengthens research, development and innovation cooperation in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT) between small, medium and large enterprises, knowledge institutions and other actors of the RRI ecosystem as well as policy makers in the context of sustainable smart specialisation of Slovenia.


The mission of SRIP GoDigital is to foster innovation and connect companies and knowledge institutions in the context of smart specialisation in order to jointly develop and commercialise services and products with high innovation and market potential, strengthen the international competitiveness of Slovenian ICT companies, develop advanced digital skills of ICT professionals and support the green transition. The partnership aims to create high-quality jobs and promote economic growth:

- Strengthen research, development and innovation capacities in the ICT sector with a focus on collaboration between companies, knowledge institutions and the state.

- Developing and commercialising sophisticated, comprehensive and integrated products and services through technological digital innovation.

- Supporting the green transition and sustainable development through the use of ICT solutions for resource optimisation, energy efficiency and carbon footprint reduction.

- Strengthening the advanced competences of ICT experts and entrepreneurship.

- Promoting the international competitiveness of Slovenian ICT companies through development projects, internationalisation and joint appearances on foreign markets.

- Building strong vertical and horizontal connections between SRIP members to develop innovative technological solutions and new business models.

- Support the integration of digital transformative technologies, solutions and services in all focus areas of Smart Specialisation.

- Collaboration with key players in the RRI ecosystem and policy makers.

- Propose development projects from related actors to help Slovenia's development breakthrough.


SRIP GoDigital's strategy is based on innovation, collaboration and openness. Focusing on the five-spiral innovation, which encompasses business, science, politics, civil society and the environment, the partnership promotes comprehensive innovation approaches that address societal challenges, drive technological development and contribute to sustainability goals.

Continuous entrepreneurial discovery is a key process in the SRIP GoDigital, which aims to identify opportunities for innovation and the development of products with high innovation and market potential in areas where Slovenia has a competitive advantage. The focus is on identifying market opportunities and networking for the development of new technologies and solutions that respond to the needs and challenges of industry and society. All stakeholders are involved in this process - from companies, start-ups and research institutions to universities and other organisations. The aim is to create an environment that fosters collaboration, the exchange of knowledge and resources and accelerates innovation, which contributes to greater competitiveness and economic growth. Entrepreneurial discovery enables SRIP GoDigital members to be at the forefront of digital innovation while strengthening the Slovenian digital transformation ecosystem.

Focus areas

SRIP GoDigital focuses on key transformative areas in the ICT sector that form the basis for the development of innovative digital technology solutions that contribute to digital transformation and sustainable development:

- Digital Economy,

- Data economy,

- Destination Earth and Space,

- Digital solutions for the green and digital transition "Fit4Green"

- Digital infrastructures of the future.

- The product focus is supported by transformative digital technologies:

- Artificial Intelligence and Big Data

- Internet of Things, embedded systems and sensors


- Cybersecurity

As part of the continuous process of entrepreneurial discovery, innovation potentials are identified and product orientations and technologies are aligned with global trends and innovation and market potentials. Join us too. For more information, write to

Action Plan

The SRIP GoDigital Action Plan defines focus areas, product lines and technologies with high market potential, in areas where Slovenia has a competitive advantage, as well as activities and projects that the partnership will implement to achieve its goals. It includes the development of new member technologies, support for start-ups and innovative companies, the establishment of effective mechanisms for knowledge and technology transfer and participation in national and international research and innovation projects. Specific goals and activities

- Implementation of training and further education measures: Improving the competences of ICT professionals.

- Building links for the development of joint projects and innovations: with the aim of developing new products, services and business models that contribute to digital transformation and the green transition.

- Creating synergies and networking: between members to promote collaboration, knowledge sharing and joint appearances on international markets.

- Support for start-ups and innovative companies: through mentoring, funding and access to research infrastructure and market opportunities

These objectives aim to improve the competitiveness of the Slovenian economy through technological development and innovation in the ICT sector. The revision of the SRIP GoDigital Action Plan is planned for September 2024. To prepare the action plan, a process of entrepreneurial discovery is taking place, in which you can participate and influence the definition of focus areas, product waste and technologies in the S5 application area, the Horizontal Information and Communication Technology Network (HOM ICT) operated by SRIP GoDigital. For more information write to

Administrative bodies

- SRIP GoDigital operates with a balanced decision-making system that ensures effective management and co-operation between members. Governing bodies include the General Assembly, Board of Directors, Programme Council and Advisory Board, which provide strategic direction, oversight of programme delivery and involvement of a broad range of knowledge and experience.

Elected members of SRIP GoDigital

 - At the meeting of the Founding Assembly on 13 May 2024, the members of the governing bodies of the Strategic Development and Innovation Partnership GoDigital were confirmed, namely

Management Board:

1. Marko Hölbl, Ph.D., UM, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology

2. Luka Stopar, Ph.D., Jožef Stefan Institute

3. Aljaž Rener, University of Nova Gorica

4. Jernej Pintar, Ph.D., Technology Park Ljubljana

5. Andreja Lampa, SRIP GoDigital

6. Igor Zorko, Board of Directors of ZIT

7. Nenad Šutanovac, ZIT, GZS

8. Boštjan Mešič, Kontron, d.o.o.

9. Simona Kogovšek, Mikrocop d.o.o.

10. Tone Stanovnik, Špica International d.o.o. Ljubljana

11. Aleksander Bastl, BASS d.o.o. Celje

Programme Council:

1. Ph.D. Luka Stopar, "Jožef Stefan" Institute

2. Ph.D. Domen Mongus, UM, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics

3. Ph.D. Gabrijela Zaharijas, University of Nova Gorica

4. Andrej Guštin, IIBA Slovenia Chapter

5. Rudi Panjtar, KC STV Institute

6. Ana Robnik, Kontron, d.o.o.

7. Iztok Juvan, BE-terna d.o.o.

8. Daniel Vladušić, Ph.D., XLAB d.o.o.

9. Branko Jovanović, Ph.D., ADVANT d.o.o.

10. Assoc. dr. Urška Starc Peceny, ARCTUR d.o.o.

 - You can also view the list HERE>>

 Partners of the consortium

- Association for Informatics and Telecommunications at the Chamber of Commerce of Slovenia (ZIT): Coordinator of SRIP GoDigital, representing the interests of more than 250 members, including small, medium and large companies from the ICT sector and knowledge institutions.

- Technology Park Ljubljana (TPLJ): A partner that brings together more than 300 supporters, including start-ups and technologically advanced companies from various industries. TPLJ provides support and infrastructure for the development and growth of companies.

Strategic partners

- Faculty of Computer Science and Informatics of the University of Ljubljana (UL FRI) and Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics of the University of Maribor (UM FERI): Both faculties act as strategic partners in SRIP, providing research capacities and expertise and participating in the development of human resources.

- Jožef Stefan Institute (IJS): The largest research organisation in Slovenia, which acts as a strategic partner and focuses on research and development of advanced ICT technologies.


SRIP GoDigital welcomes new members from all sectors - business, academia, education, local communities and wider society - and encourages broad collaboration and innovation. Membership is open to all and voluntary, through collective membership of ZIT.

The partnership focuses on the areas of development, research and innovation, education, entrepreneurship, internationalisation and public policy with the aim of accelerating digitalisation and fostering collaboration according to the five helix principle.

Members have access to networks, events, training, incoming and outgoing business delegations, information on calls for tenders and the opportunity to participate in funded projects, as well as the opportunity to present themselves in the national and international environment. Membership takes place by signing the declaration of membership.

How to become a member?

If you would like to join SRIP GoDigital and enjoy all the benefits of membership, we invite you to complete the membership form.



GZS - Združenje za informatiko in telekomunikacije
Dimičeva ulica 13
1504 Ljubljana

Tel: 01/5898 000
Faks: 01/5898 100

Tehnološki park Ljubljana d.o.o.
Tehnološki park 19
100 Ljubljana

Tel: 01/6203 400
Faks: 01/6203 409